Atlantic Node job opportunity for PhD students:
The Atlantic node of the SSHRC Situating Science Knowledge Cluster is looking for a PhD student, who works in Science Studies (very broadly construed) to act as the Situating Science Atlantic Node Events Coordinator. The successful candidate will assist with organizing an international conference in the history and philosophy of science, organizing local events (such as a film series) or organizing special lecture for the 2011-2012 academic year. There may be additional work in supporting research initiated by the node.
This is a part-time position. Pay will be $22/hour. Hours will be variable throughout the year, although they should amount to at least 100 hours of work and probably more.
Applicants should send a C.V., a cover letter outlining their interest in science studies, and the names and contact information of at least two references to:
Dr. Mélanie Frappier (
History of Science and Technology Programme
University of King's College
6350 Coburg Rd.
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B3H 2A1
Email submissions are preferred. Applicants who have just completed or started their PhD studies are welcome to apply though preference will be given to current PhD students. As this is a SSHRC-sponsored position, current SSHRC fellows cannot apply for the position. Applications will be considered until the position is filled. Review of applications will start July 25th, 2011.