"Situating the 'Situating Science' Cluster" update in the HSS Newsletter
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L’humain comme ressource? Sociologie de la transplantation d’organes
Lynn Margulis, Distinguished University Professor at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, will be presenting a lecture on 'Symbiogenesis and Gaia' at York University, January 31st 2011.
The Department of Science and Technology Studies and the Institute for Science and Technology Studies at York University will be hosting a panel discussion on the future of STS research in Canada and worldwide.
The panel consists of: William J. Turkel (University of Western Ontario), Michelle Murphy (University of Toronto), Sergio Sismondo (Queen’s University), and Darrin Durant (York); the discussion will be moderated by Natasha Myers (York).
Paula Findlen (History, Stanford): After the Trial: Galileo, His Early Biographers and the Catholic Church.
January 6, 2011, 5:00 pm.
Green College Coach House.
Lecture Series on Race: Linda Alcoff
Asceticism, Truth, and Politics in early-twentieth century Italian pragmatism
Francesca Bordogna
Department of History, Northwestern University
Thursday, 2 December 2010
5-6:30 pm
Green College Coach House
Thursday, November 25th, 2010 at 6:00 pm McGill University
The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Public Affairs and the Situating Science Knowledge Cluster present:
Science and its Publics Lecture Series
A multi-part series examining the roles of the public in the translation and understanding of the knowledge of science
Part 2:
Public lecture by Joan Roughgarden (Stanford University)
Incentives in the Family Firm
Friday, Nov. 19 at 4:00pm
Earth Sciences (ESB) 327
Public lecture by Joan Roughgarden (Stanford University)
Thursday, Nov. 18 at 3:30pm
in Engineering Teaching and Learning Complex E1-007
La science et ses publics: perdus à la traduction
Science and Society Lecture by Steven Meyer (Department of English, Washington University in St Louis). 4:30 pm, Monday, November 8, 2010 in Peter Wall Institute Conference Rooms.