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Postdoctoral Position in Politics of Urban Infrastructure in India

Concordia University: SSHRC PostDoc for Assembling Infrastructure Decongestion: a pilot investigation of the topology of urban infrastructure transformation.

Postdoctoral Position in Politics of Urban Infrastructure in India


Reading Artifacts Summer Institute 2012

CSTM: Deadline June 15 for applications.

Reading Artifacts Summer Institute

Location: Canada Science and Technology Museum, Ottawa, Ontario,

Dates: August 13-17, 2012
Registration Deadline: June 15, 2012

Presented by: Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation

Discover alternative historical perspectives and methods in the midst
of Canada's largest collection in science, medicine and technology.
Our annual artifact sessions in the CSTM storage facility bring
together Canadian and international scholars from across the

Call for Applications Science Communications 2012 at Banff Centre

Science Communications 2012 Program dates: August 11, 2012 - August 25, 2012 Application deadline: March 30, 2012

Science Communications 2012
Program dates: August 11, 2012 - August 25, 2012
Application deadline : Extended from March 30, 2012 to April 30, 2012
Working with some of the world’s leading science communicators, participants explore the use of print, visual, and social media, as well as other communication formats, with the goal of fostering a more engaging role for science in public culture.

Asst/Assoc Prof, Dept of History & Politics, Drexel University

The Department of History & Politics at Drexel University invites applications for up to two full-time, tenure-track positions in History, beginning fall 2012.

2 positions, Asst/Assoc Prof, Dept of History & Politics, Drexel University

Deadline: November 15 2011
Updated: September 27 2011

The Department of History & Politics at Drexel University invites
applications for up to two full-time, tenure-track positions in History,
beginning fall 2012. The Department will consider applications at both the
Assistant Professor and Associate Professor ranks. These positions mark the

BA, BA Honours and Minor in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Calgary Faculty of Arts, Alberta (Canada)

The Department of History and Department of Philosophy jointly offer programs leading to the degrees of BA, BA Honours, and Minor in the History and Philosophy of Science.

BA, BA Honours and Minor in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Calgary Faculty of Arts, Alberta (Canada)
Location: Alberta, Canada

Call for Applications for Summer Program "Applied Science: Historical, Epistemological, and Institutional Characteristics"

Deadline for applications: January 31, 2012.

Call for Applications for Applied Science: Historical, Epistemological, and Institutional Characteristics
July 2 –13, 2012
Deadline for applications: January 31, 2012.

Interested in a 2 week long summer program in Vienna dedicated to major current issues in the natural and the social sciences, their history and philosophy?